Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sarah Palin Sucks I.V

McCain woke from his nightmare where he was a creepy republican proxy and delivered a very nice concession speech. To be perfectly frank, I'd have been impressed with Obama had he done so as well if the reverse had happened, though admittedly, he's been a bit better about not lowering standards,


It looked to me like Sarah Palin was crying.

This is sucks 1.5 because IF she was, then I have another if/then statement:

IF she was crying because she'd realized using her children as cheap political props made her a terrible human being who not only didn't win the election but gave the children some severly difficult memories to chew on THEN I forgive her and she only gets one and a half "sucks's" on my bastion of standards.

IF she was crying for any other reason, well, whatever. Barring my friend's wish for her to do Playboy, I don't see much more interesting coming from her.

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