Tuesday, October 14, 2008

have I mentioned Heroes Sucks

First the obvious: Hiro didn't kill Ando. It was Time Warping Magic!! Which, well, which underscores the whole issue with his ability and how they use it. Zero accountability for Hiro. Also, it's been three years, time for him to stop talking like a 10 year old.

This whole episode was, hmmm....

It was.... I'm working on the analogy.

It was a great hand of poker, played terribly. The end reveal of Parkman's dad as the mastermind was underwhelming; more "oh, okay." than "Oh Shit!" Another example in a long like of "doye" moments that abound. The show is getting better but still has some serious issues showing it's hand.

Then there's Sylar. WTF? Was there a contest to write his character this week and five people all won? He could be a great character if his rehabilitation were more real. See also fake Linderman tell speedy girl it's cool to kill if you have a reason. How about maybe making the show about a slow moral decline? Valid reasons leading to horrible actions. The glib way people brush off death, get upset with each other and/or make friends in this show makes nothing permanent.

If Peter, or Claire or any of the "good guys" had, instead of a 1 episode change of opinion, a slow 12 ep decline then when they innevitably became good again it'd be real drama. Stealing bread for your family, so to speak. (who loves the Office?) As it stands the few people still watching the show are going to yell "DOYE" at the TV instead.


Tom Parker said...

I finally caught up with the Oct 27 episode and all I can say is -- Whahuh?

How do you go undercover with a mind reader? Parkman randomly picked up that another guy was boning his wife, but he has no clue that he's totally being rooked by the speedster?

And Parkman's dad? Wasn't he the unstoppable big bad at one point? And yet he has no defense ready against Pop Petrelli? This is as bad as when Adam turned out to be the mystery killer.

I'm really tired of heroes being all-powerful until, well, it just becomes inconvenient.

Taylor said...

Jack I just found this post too (becoming a big fan of your work my friend).

"Then there's Sylar. WTF? Was there a contest to write his character this week and five people all won?"

I got a good chuckle out of this. So true.........well done.

I had to comment on something else you said: "If Peter, or Claire or any of the "good guys" had, instead of a 1 episode change of opinion, a slow 12 ep decline then when they innevitably became good again it'd be real drama."

I thought this from episode 1! The way they setup Claire to be a "baddy" - it would have been a fantastic story arc to see her fall in with Adam Monroe, a guy just like her who's lived for hundreds of years. She can't feel feelings anymore and Adam could exploit that. Adam's real power is his knowledge, experience and ability to manipulate. If Hiro "made" Adam who he is, then Adam could end up "making" Claire.

Then all the moral dilemmas and questions of "what makes a villain" would be relevant and interesting. All leading up to a finale where Claire again has to make a tough choice but ultimately chooses good.

This seems so obvious! How could their shit writing staff miss it!?!?