Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heroes Season 3 Sucks

Getting started off right with a visit to the future (which, lo and behold, sucks) Claire and the two porcupines the makeup department crammed into her eye sockets bust out this gem of a line:

"It ends here."

which, well, which two things:

1. In hindsight: i wish.

2. Nice to see they got whoever wrote "generic tough guy video game #7" to write for them.

There's a lot of bullshit, but let's focus on three key points.

1. Hiro sees Ando betray him with some red lightning. The "Ando betrays Hiro" setup is dumb and I'm almost as uninterested in how it pans out as I am in how his trip to Japan did. I'm biting my nails down to soft pulp worrying if Ando and Hiro will be friends in season 4. Soft Pulp.

2. New vilians. This season's about the bad guys. I got that from the subtitle. The bad guys are a black dude, a white guy with blue flames, and Magneto. Fake Magneto's even German. Maybe it's just me, but an homage (assuming it's not ignorance or ineptitude, which is a stretch...) is unnecessary. It's a comic book show. It's not like they broke any molds when coming up with the existing powers, but do you have to underscore it so heavily by picking a superpower that is so specifically iconic to one (German) dude? Unless Fake Magneto's doing cooler things than ripping out Wolverine's exoskeleton or laying waste to prisons with pennies, you're doing a disservice to Real Magneto. As for the other powers, blue flame? The justification for what kind of power in this season can be summed up thusly:

"Fuck it. Because."

3. Any story that involves time travel sucks. Time travel is plot hole spackle. It takes away every single rule and leaves you knowing that things are going to continue and bla bla bla. Having Hiro see that the future still has issues, like wow. They're not going to happpen. Super Hiro's bad future never happened. The virus future never happend. Roll them plot dice kids, "Clair with a Gun Future" isn't happening. It will be narrowly averted. It's 24; it can never be a good show cos nothing lasting can ever happen on it. Instead of creating some interesting constraints and working with them, we've got magic time travel want to fix everything.

Every week, after "The Sarah Conor Chronicles" airs, my friend tells me how terrible it is. He gives me a run down of all the nonsense that these terminators go through to not successfully kill John Conor. He says he's just waiting for the robot sex, but I think his larger motivation is to see how shitty it can get. Heroes is now my Sarah Conor Chronicles.


Anjali Jones said...

I totally agree that this season sucks. They've gotten ridiculously trite with the dialogue, the religious diatribe, and even the characterizations of characters (as you pointed out: bad guy is German, Indian guy gets animalistic powers, cute blond cheerleader winds up as the "focal" hero). They need to get their asses in gear, quit time-travelling so much, and focus on not having ridiculous plots. A bunch of heroes coming into a building and shooting fire out of their hands would, in the real world, wind up on international television. Let's think through the details, creators!!

The Enraged Geek said...

Thank goodness I'm not the only one who thinks Season 3 sucks so far. In fact, I wrote a blog about this as well, which you can read at: http://enragedgeek.blogspot.com/

This show is heading toward cancellation.

Unknown said...

Thank god. I thought I was the only one thinking that season 3 sucks. I now officially stopped watching. I need to remember to erase from the list of shows i record with my PVR. I don't know if its the network executives who messed with it but the show's quality fell off a cliff. Too bad. Headed towards cancellation real fast!

Taylor said...

Agreed! I thought season 1 was good, and Season 2 (contrary to many) was actually really great too! The story was cogent and moved at a logical and focused pace.

This season seems to have been crafted hastily in the early morning on the day it was due to the network.....like a college stoner turning in a late term paper. There are more plot holes than I've ever seen in any series and the character's motivations are all over the place.

A few important pending questions:

* Where the hell is West? Why isn't Claire's boyfriend acting like a boyfriend and helping his chick cope?

* Where the hell is Irish girl Caitlin? Did Peter just not like her that much? Or just FORGET that she's still in a shitty version of the future and being deported? They spent 5 whole episodes introducing us to her - at least let us know she's ok!!!

bernice_chao said...

I agree! This season sucks even more then the last one. Who would've thought that could even be possible.

Unknown said...

So I just watched another episode, and I feel like they are just randomly choosing crap to do. Why would peter need sylar's powers it just doesn't make sense. He already has a better version in a sense, and Mohinder's character is really being phased out into some evil creature. What the crap

Taylor said...

EXACTLY Jordan! This is the 3rd time now the "future has been in jeopardy" and Peter hasn't needed Sylar's powers before. Why now!?

I'll tell you why - cheap, lame, lazy plot device to turn Peter "evil" and create internal moral conflict. Ooooooooohhhhh, we're just eager with anticipation!

Unknown said...

holder_current: This is the variable for the current billboard
-Initially it is set at "1"

Yeah this season really sucks. I like how all their promos were hyping super villians ....big bad "level 5" guys that are "worse than sylar" ...consist of a Black guy who is real strong but not all the time (When he was playing "Marlo" on "The Wire" he was way tougher), some dude that screams loud, and a guy with blue fire..... YAWN. Cmon NBC, how about you develop something like say..a well developed plot insead of these gimmicks?

Also and is it just me or are all the fight scenes lame? In earlier seasons... when Hiro and White Japanese Guy were sword fighting that was the lamest choreographed fight scene ever! And that supposedly "epic" battle of Peter and Sylar was LAME TO THE MAX!

terrence said...

This show ended with Season One.

Season Two was like a mediocre sequel done years after a great movie -- unnecessary but wtf, we're nostalgic.

Season Three is so far like Back to the Future part 3 -- WE DON'T CARE ANYMORE because there's so much time travel all actions lack any real significance.

Please let the show die, Kring. Find a way to wrap it up nicely, if you can, but end it.

Taylor said...

Terrence - come now. Back to the Future 3 was great - it was a trilogy ABOUT time travel - well made, and nicely wrapped up.

Heroes is a super hero story forced into an unending series of time travel stories. Which is even more ridiculous when you consider that LOST is becoming all about time travel, but way way way better.

Jack said...

I had never even thought about the mediocrity of the fights.

You know what show has surprisingly good fights? Heroes' lead in, "Chuck".

terrence said...

Taylor -- that's true regarding the different categories of Heroes and B to the F, though I couldn't agree that the 3rd movie was "great".

I'm fascinated by the idea that when you incorporate time travel at will it destroys the value of actions within a story. Any takers on that? Actions become illusory. Why should I care about a potential bad future when I know that it could completely change with a simple hop back in time?

This is fun -- do some searching for "heroes season 2 sucks kring" and you'll find interviews with Kring where he explains where they went wrong. I think they've over-corrected, after looking at his reasoning.

Taylor said...

Awwww Terrence, buddy, think about this for a second. BTTF3 was a very integrated part of a well made trilogy, pulling on themes from the first and 2nd movies, interweaving all the plot points and wrapping it all up nicely! But more importantly, it took the climax of movie 1 (the delorian getting down the street in time for the lightning) and made it even MORE epic and MORE intense by adding a train, a chick, some explosions, and a fall off a cliff. How can you diss on that!?!

At least let's agree it wasn't as bad as Matrix 3.

But to the main point at hand I totally agree with your comment "Actions become illusory." This is especially evident in Heroes - where other time traveling stories seem to respect the mechanics of the event, Heroes reduces it to sending people forward and backward like going down to the grocery store to pick up milk. The first season it was acceptable, ableit trite, but this is the THIRD time now!!! Only now they pretend to inject some "moral dilemma" to make it matter - except it comes off rushed, and flimsy.

It's so ridiculous.....Kring needs to just end it. OR bring in JJ Abrams to retool and fix the whole thing.

terrence said...

I really do hope that it can be salvaged... but I'm not very optimistic about it. I just watched my wife go through the first season on DVD -- she hasn't seen any of 2 or 3 -- and I'm not going to encourage her to do so. I honestly can't recommend either. SEASON ONE was a wonderful experience though. Damn fine show.

Gotta say for Season 3 that Gabriel is an enjoyable character. Sylar was a great villain, and Gabriel has been an enjoyable "not Sylar". They've made such a tard of Peter that they might as well create a redemption story around Gabriel and end the season (and series) on that note.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this season really sucks. Mohinder turning into a spider? It's just like "The Fly". Then the guy who creates a vortex....Though I Love that guy from The Wire, Marlo too. (Don't even know their Heroes name, or their real name for that matter.) Now turning the good guys bad and the bad guys good.....Its like you missed 3 seasons in between each episode, so much changes. I'm very dissappointed with this season.

Taylor said...

.......Aaaannnnddddd we just saw our once beloved show turn into f'ing "Dallas." Complete with it's very own JR Ewing and Sue Ellen. Is Peter Bobby or is that Sylar?

Also, let us mourn the lame ass death of the once great, mysterious and intriguing Adam Monroe....from whom many great story-lines COULD have come.

Unknown said...

Season 1 was beautiful, well enjoyed by the masses worldwide, myself included. Season 2, well the writer's strike messed up things, S2's downfall was due to circumstances beyond Tim Kring's control. As for Season 3 honestly I have stopped forcing myself to watch those episodes weekly, the Petrelli Show is tiring me out as well as Hiro's time-hopping. The writers' lackluster approach to this once magnificent series is becoming more and more evident. If they're not careful we may not have a Season 4.

Patty McGee said...

I still don't get why people watch shows they don't like and then complain about it. Really, it's just...stupid.

Jack said...

Pat, you're a genius: the world can easily be divided into things I hate and therefore avoid and things I love and therefore consume my time with.

This law of the universe has kept me from stepping in poop while allowing me to enjoy cupcakes, along with many other things.

But in this one context, I'm conflicted because I love writing about how much I hate the show; I have to watch the show to be able to express my love of my hate for it.

Would I deny my love to protect myself from my hate? Should I play it safe and never know the joy of slamming crappy TV so I can avoid the pain of watching it?

Taylor said...

To make sure this wonderful blog post stays current, I want to start a running list of gaping plot holes that will most likely stay unresolved. The mid-season finale is tonight, so let's keep track!

RUNNING PLOT HOLES (please keep adding on as you see fit)
What happened to Meredith? I thought she was supposed to be Noah's new partner?

They spent the entire summer hyping the "Level 5 villians" only to have that entire plot point fizzle after 3 episodes!?

Nathan spent all of last season complaining about how he was duped by Peterman and his mother and will never be a pawn again. Then in 5 minutes, he's suddenly cool with his dad's plan?

What the hell ever happened Caitlin!?! (Peter's Irish Chick)

They spent several episodes giving Sylar a moral compass and resolve to be a "good guy." Then instantly it's gone?

I thought Elle helped Sylar realize he could take powers without doing the brain inspection?

I thought Sylar loved Elle? They even had several episodes of being together and relating. Then for no reason he kills her?

The first time Sylar tried killing Elle, her powers reacted and got the best of him. Why didn't that happen again?

I thought Elle and Claire became "buddies." Then Elle suddenly wants to kill her?

Why did Noah watch Sylar and Elle have sex in that abandoned house!?!?

Tracy Strauss is afraid of her own powers, but then mysteriously wants an entire army of guys to have equally scary powers?

Mohender tried to kill Tracy and Nathan. Suddenly they all decided to be friends and work for Arthur?

If Hiro is such a comic nerd, and is trapped 16 years in the past, why doesn't he just travel to The Company 16 years later to meet up with everyone again?

If Peter was unsure about killing his father, why didn't he just let the Haitian take Aurthur's memories?

Why is Ando's American accent so much better than Hiro's? (not a plot hole so much as it is annoying)

...That's it for now! I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch.

KleZ said...
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KleZ said...

Thank god lm not the only one. l think the show really screw things up with season 3. A show isnt suppose to have so many plot holes..

Here are some of the things that really piss me off:

1) Peter stealing Sylar power.. hm for what ?, no damn reason.

2) Arthur stealing kensei Abbility: god if kensei had something in his blood just as Claire, couldnt Arthur just take some of his blood insted of killing him..? and if Nikki died, then the others could use Claires blood to get her back.. but no lol she just died

3)What about the irish girl, the sons of Nathan, Parkman wife, Claires boyfriend, the girl who was releated with Nikkis son... the just vanish ?

4) they talked about the butterfly effect, but Claire and hiro traveled and changed the past. But here is the thing, NOTHING happened to the present, Claire didnt vanished for her actions in the past, if she didnt had powers then she couldnt met with the others heroes.. so no time travel with claire

5)WTF with Arthur how could he know about hiro´s and claire????

6)Hiro isnt trapted, he could wait 16 years and meet again with Ando and the others.. wtf with this show..

Taylor said...

Wow Klez! You totally just nailed the biggest plot hole of all:

4) they talked about the butterfly effect, but Claire and hiro traveled and changed the past. But here is the thing, NOTHING happened to the present...

This fact totally NEGATES the entire premise for the start of the season.

Well done!

KleZ said...

lol yea.. at least lost didnt screw things up like heroes "lest take out claire power but THINGS STAY THE SAME" l Hope lost will manage to do things well with time travel in season 5..

Did you guys saw that nathan, stacy and mohinder are friends again lol xD? Just as maya wanted to see mohinder after he almost killed her and again nobody ever talked again about her brother..

Oh well l think ill watch the show just to see how worst they can get..

Susan said...

I wonder how this season will finally finish.

I'm just waiting for Peter to wake up in a bed. Issac comes out of the shower, toweling his head, then peter says "ah, it was all a dream! I don't have super powers at all!"

then the two passionately kiss! The end!

Chris Fullam said...

hahahahaha - to the above comment!

Seriously - this show's plot makes no sense anymore. I watched the mid-season finale, and multiple times thought "wait, did I miss last weeks episode?" - I didn't. The plot turns make no sense and the story as a whole is just uninteresting. The only good episode this season was the flashback to before season 1 - the way they tied in scenes to episodes from the 1st season was great. They even killed the overdramatic acting. Unfortunately, that was the only episode any real effort was put into.

This show used to be a good story that was told incredibly well. Now it's a bad story told by the town drunk.

cnote86 said...

Now that they're bringing Bryan Fuller back (writer who left after the 1st season) and they fired the shitty writers. This is by far the worst season the only reason i'm still watching is hoping that Fuller makes the show good again. I think they need to kill off most of the main characters and start fresh.

cnote86 said...

oh and whose this barbara bitch?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You guys make some good points! (and a few of you are idiots)... but anyway.

No matter what plot devices they use, time travel, memory loss, see-the-future chunky peanut butter..

What we all are missing and so desperately want back is the heart of the story. It's what made season one so good.

If there's evil there and you know you're the only one with the gift to stop it... do you help? Yes! Season one said so!

But now,... there is very little opportunity for the soundtrack people to play their whinny inspirational music. You know, when Claire and Peter meet for the first time... they don't bother setting those moments up anymore.
And everyone watching is sad as if their puppy had to be put to sleep. They keep coming back each week to watch saying.. maybe if i hope and hope and pray, little Fido will run around the corner and jump in my lap just like old times.. but every week... no Fido.

There were 2 moments so far in season 3 that we're classy Season 1 story telling.

1) Sylar learns how to take someones power without killing them. When I saw this episode, I finally said.. "this is how Sylar can be a good guy". They made me believe it! .. oh.. hold it, i'm just gonna kill Elle cuz I likey.. Um. that is the completely FRIGGIN opposite of what Sylar's flaw is, but you know .. its just stupid Heroes.

2) Hiro gets his memory back and sees his mother from his older self's point of view. Yes, we had to put up with goofy, wtf, 10 year old Hiro for an episode, but I think it was worth it. If I lost my mother as a child, and I had a chance to talk to her again, I wouldn't know what to say.

Overall, time traveling has always been stupid. People walking through walls is stupid. And haitians that sweat a lot when they have to subdue more than one power at once... are stupid.

They're just methods to let the heart of the story come out. Heroes has lost the heart of its story. They're not trying to save the innocent and unknowing anymore.. They're trying to save their own @sses (which no one cares about).. I still don't think Mr. Petrelli could have ripped the F**King planet in half if he succeeded. I don't care who ya are, that's bullsh*t.

**Personal note: Stupidest event in Heroes to me?... OH SWEET DL DIDN'T DIE FROM HIS GUNSHOT WOUNDS in NY! He's a good role model and firefighter now.---- ehh.. shoot that mother f*cker again.

Brannon said...
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Brannon said...

This season sucks. Most make very good points as to why. I totally agree with Joshua and Taylor. I found myself annoyed at little things as season 3 commenced. But what really made me a hater was Peter losing his powers. I thought his character was great. Watching his character develop with all the internal conflicts that came with it. Knowing that he was the only one who was a match for Sylar. The possibilities of his story were endless due to the nature of his ability. And then they just shot it all to poo. Among the many other things I would've liked to see are:

1. More of the Irish chick storyline.

2. A Peter/Sylar confrontation.

3. Hiro becoming a samurai

4. Claire's real mom becoming more a part of the story.

5. Sylar and Veronica Mars remaining a team.

6. Mohindur to not go from scientist to crazy Indian.

7. Matt Parkman actually USING HIS POWERS. This dude has the mind of a Jedi, but they make him out to be Jar-Jar Binks.

There are many more things I would like to see, but I give up. This show has gone so far into the twilight zone. Everyone has already griped about the time travel holes, so I won't bother.

Writers...please answer me this...

Why is Hiro a blithering idiot?

Why is Ando becoming more and more gay?

What kind of idea is a "super charger?"

Why is speedy so stupid?

What are you all smoking?

Can we please put Sylar's Daddy issues to rest?

No, really...what are you smoking?

Bring back Seth Green and Breckin Meyer! They were the highlight so far of this season.


Unknown said...

Heroes is kind of a mess, after season 1 it just seems like it's bad guy after bad guy with bad motivations. The first season had such a cool premise but now it's always some random guy who wants to release a virus or give everyone powers or take everyone's powers away. And the motivations don't make sense. Really Nathan, capturing innocent people? You don't think that might cause more problems than it would solve? The bad guys don't make sense.

Also the serial drama genre is kinda hard to do right, there's like infinite problems. Since a season is like a long movie, extra seasons feel like sequels, and it's easy to mess them up bad. It's kinda like if after Luke killed Darth Vader they had to keep making Star Wars movies, and in the next movie Luke is like fighting away an invading alien race or something. But wait, Star Wars isn't about inter-species fighting, it's not about Luke fighting invaders it's supposed to be about him finding himself. But that was Season 1 and now we have Season 2 and nothing feels right anymore.

I think the further seasons of a serial drama have to be done with a lot of finesse. You really have to look at some movie sequels and see what they did right or wrong. And you have to consider certain things that made them good that you can't do. Example- all three LotR movies moved towards one event- destroying the one ring. Those sequels automatically progressed that single story. If you tied up your story in season 1 you don't have the luxury of the unfinished story that would drive everything forward.

I don't blame the genre though, there's a lot of bland ideas built into recent seasons of Heroes. I'll still watch because it's better than most shows but I don't think it's ever gonna beat season 1.

Tobi said...

Hi guys,

Really glad i found this because ive just watched alot of heroes in one go and each time i see a glimmer of hope for this show its immediately shot down by god awful dialogue and really terrible plot holes. My main issue has already been mentioned but i feel i have to release my rage at shows like this somewhere!

Its just terribly put together, no character has any loyalty or even remotely believable motivation. I just watched the ice triplet kill for no reason what so ever and without a hint of remorse which was made some prominent in an earlier episode.

these characters just arent believable anymore. everyone turns on everyone for whatever reason just so there can be a bit of conflict in an episode. But the conflict itself is completely souless. There hasnt been a single battle in season 3 that ive found the slightest bit interesting.

Theres none of the learning to use your powers which we saw early on. its just you either have them with complete control or you dont.

I could vent at this all day to be honest im just deeply disappointed that an interesting and well told premise can go down the pan so quickly.

Anyways im going to go and watch some well written anime to sooth my tortured soul. ahhhhh

Jeff C said...

This season is like a trainwreck. It just gets worse and worse. I still keep watching it hoping it improves. But each episode is a bigger disaster than the last.

How many times do we have to watch people switch from good to evil and back, and people lose and regain powers, people change powers, and then new, mindless characters introduced (like the bald military guy -- was he really necessary?).

And it's like the writers didn't bother watching the previous seasons. All the groundwork they laid in the first season was pretty much ignored in the second season. And then they opened up a bunch of new, unnecessary twists in the second season that are totally ignored this season. There's no coherency. What a waste.

Jeff C said...

p.s. I discovered this blog posting by googling Heroes Sucks. :-)

Unknown said...

lol @ Mark Me too.

jcb said...

3rd: googled "heroes sucks"

more plot holes: Peter now has a FIFO buffer for powers (probably what it should have been for both him and Sylar in the first place) - ok, I can deal with that. But Sylar still has ALL of those old powers but only seems to want to use telekinesis and that shaky lie-detector thing... what happened to melting metal, super sensitive hearing, Hiro's-Texas-waitress-girlfriend's rapid learning ability, or even more recently the electric power from Elle? What did he get from eating the brains of all the others when season 1 started? WTF happened to the brain eating, anyway - that had so much creepy appeal, but they couldn't explain it away so it had to just go?

There are so many times the writers paint themselves into a corner - situations where people using their ability would get them straight out (e.g. Parkman / Jedi / JarJar comment earlier), but they just seem to get amnesia for the sake of the (weak) plot.

Sick of the drama (Dallas reference earlier was spot-on) - gimme back the growth of characters just learning to cope with new-found powers and the right vs. wrong of season 1. This whole wishy-washy season just needs a giant eraser. I know four-year old children who could write better plots.

Can they hire Stan Lee as a consultant or something?

anywho I'm just glad that 24 is actually fast-paced this season. Despite Jack's low relative body count, it's been much more fun to watch.

terrence said...

Great... they've added a screaming baby. Damnit, Kring, get this straight:

Screaming baby = viewers go bye-bye.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I could sum up Heroes post Season 1 in one quote form the movie Spaceballs:

"And now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!"

Unknown said...

I'm watching the newest heroes episode right now and I had to stop watching and find some place to rant about how excruciatingly painful it is...

Touch-and-go baby!? Are you kidding me Kring!?

I literally can't watch this show anymore. Season 1 was just so good I had to keep watching, but I think this episode has confirmed that there is not one piece left of what made this show so good to begin with.

Thank God Lost is still amazing.

Unknown said...

Heroes is dissapointing. I ask myself why did I waste my time watching that episoide every time I watch one.

Anonymous said...

the entire heroes cast has just gone up to number 1 on my celeb hit-list (hit as in kill). They have even passed up the entire cast of the Hills! that is bad! wow! congrats writers... you f'ed up something that could have been soooo good. I think i'll just stick to LOST.

vinsane01 said...

I just finished watching the whole season 3 today.. Damn i cant believe a just watched the whole thing. I guess i was hoping the story line will improve. Coz in the realm of the superhero fiction there so little chance too fuck up a story, since basically anything is possible. But damn, what in the hell did they do!!? I guess the writers got fcking tired of thinking. A 10 year old boy could make a btter story to follow up on season 1. There are sooo many stupid things that happen on season 3. Like when Peter petrelli got his powers back, he can only absorb only one pwer at a time. IMO they shouldnt have removed his powers in the 1st place. Ando getting powers was also stupid. The touch and go baby was a bad idea. The cheer leader getting on the plane without the controller or the pilot even noticing. Government agents keeps popping up out of nowhere, like when peter and her mom was in the church. How the fuck did they know!lol.. The 1961 episode was the worst idea. I thought they were going somewhere with it, turns out it didnt have anything to do with the story. It was like a filler or something. And why didnt they give the blood of the cheerleader to her father to save him?..Those are just on the top of my head. I could type more or make a blog about this, but im late watching the show becuase i was busy and i guess everyone knows it sucks.. There is no way im watching season 4.

roym said...

Im so glad i found this blog! its almost like a support group.

after S1 this show has been nothing but a disaster zone.

lets do as the writers wish and forget season 2.

Part one of season 3 had every character flip flopping over whether to be good or not. this was taken to the extreme that even sylar seemed to be getting a pass to make him good. WTF! only an extremist lefty apologist would want to try and make out that hes that way because of the system of his parents abused him or whatever. We saw daphne and ando copy superman by running around the world so fast they went back in time to get hiro. how did they get back? running in the opposite direction. we had the huge anticlimax of the level 5 guys. where were all the security guards at primatech?! of all the new characters to waste i though adam monroe was a real shame.
so we end with peter getting into a sulk and tipping over the magic potion. "if ive got no powers, no one else can". and that was it! what a waste of time.

the second half was even worse. thanks god i saved them all and watched them in one splurge. my god, the talking in this half. i lost count of the scenes with just two of the cast droning on and on and on....
when it started with the orange jumpsuits, abductions, and talk of war i thought they were heading for battlestar iraqtica territory. We were being bludgeoned over the head with the same point again and again. the govt is BAD. so sylar went to find his real dad. how many episodes did he take? then he only spent three scenes with him! talking of course.
through every episode i felt we had just seen it all before; peter and nathan, mohinder and his father, the company (what was the point of going to that old camp?) ando and hiro bickering over ando being the stooge; claire and noah; noah and sandra. It was all recycled and dull.
im glad to see so many have pointed out all the plot holes, but a couple did grate with me. how do they get around the country so fast? matt was on the east coast one minute, then drove to LA just like that!
the other is a real biggie. why do they take so many liberties with sylar. he's got every ability under the sun now, and a few more that we never knew, but he also gets every slice of luck and misjudgement by others. is he really that indispensable (i.e. peter and claire)?

phew. just to finish, im going to have a cathrtic clear out of my hard drive and never bother with this rubbish again.

BruceB said...
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AnonHero said...

Have to say Season 3 ruined this series. I don't think it can ever get on track. They ruin Peter's character and keeping giving Sylar(who I wish would die already) more and more powers.

It used to be interesting because Sylar could not heal and therefor was vulnerable. Now after getting the cheesy ability to heal, we will never be rid of this krappy character.

Ok we get it already Sylar is Jesus reincarnated...great. I mean despite having no mind powers he is owning Parkman who is supposed to be the master. Oh but Sylar trumps all...no matter what the hell happens Sylar is the BEST!

He should have died in season one. The show would have been a lot better without him in it. Peter was weakened to because of it and the stupid plotline has had to make unbelievable bends to accommodate the anointed one "Sylar".

I could rant for a long time, but why bother. I wish the writers would get off Sylar's noodle and let us have a storyline that does not revolve around Sylar's now Jesus like ridiculous powers.